Sound Credit Union

Just like with any skill, in voice over, sometimes you have ‘off’ days.  Maybe your reading or your timing is just not as good for one reason or another (tired, not warmed up, nervous, sick, etc).  But, on the other side of that coin is that some days you are ‘on’ 🙂 Where it’s like you can do no wrong!  You read every take flawlessly and so you feel confident enough to take extra risks and you nail those too. Those are the times that it’s most fun to do what you do.  To just CRUSH.  I envision a basketball player who, one day he can hardly make a basket and other days, he’s nothing but net.

Not sure why, but this was definitely one of those sessions! I recorded a radio spot at Pure Audio for Sound Credit Union, which I am happy to say is more local work. I guess everything just lined up right that day – I was rested, early, had proper time to warm up, and I came in with a few ideas to bring to the table.